How to Back Up Contact FUEL Most easy and safe

Monday, February 20, 2017

How to Back Up Contact FUEL Most easy and safe – speaking of Blackberry applications Mesenger or better known as the FUEL is not the odd thing in this current era. Moreover, these applications are already venturing into a variety of platforms ranging from OS Android, iOS and even Windows operating system also supports this application. Talking about FUEL again certainly are familiar with the name contact fuel. BBM contacts is a list of the names of a person that is in the application of the FUEL before you add it.

How to Back Up Contact FUEL Most easy and safe

If it concerns the matter of contact of FUEL, the most common problem is the loss of contact fuel. This is a trivial thing but also a little confusing. Yes indeed hell, basically if contact missing BBM then we repeated the contact invite lived. However, it can be done if just one or two contacts are missing, imagine if all contact was lost for sure will confiscate a lot of time to restore the BBM contacts manually.


Tips on how to Back Up Contact the most easy and safe FUEL

There are actually the simplest way to address the loss of contact, i.e. the FUEL with the way BBM contact list back up. This way you've no need to re-menginvite one by one to your BBM contacts. Simply run a command automatically resotore kontk BBM you will return. How to back up contacts to FUEL your own real easy, but for users of FUEL this way not many know, especially how its use. For it, for those of you that still Trouble with how to back up contacts BBM, check out the following steps.

1. use a BlackBerry ID

The first thing that must back up BBM is BlackBerry passeord user name and ID. Why is this so? BlackBerry ID it is important, besides being able to back up BBM, BlackBerry ID is the identifier in the BBM application. Most people underestimate the BlackBerry this ID, and if you have experienced kehinglangan will all the contacts they realized how important BlackBerry ID.

In version 7, BlackBerry BBM ID is becoming a necessity because in BBM version 7 and be blessed BlackBerry ID becomes operational, even from the beginning of the activation. By remembering the BlackBerry ID you have no doubt am again will lose contacts fuel. Interestingly again, this means you can apply operating system not only on Blackberry but can already also on OS Android, iOS, and Windows.

2. use a BlackBerry Protect Features

The way this one is reserved just for you who use the BlackBerry operating system. Using the provisioning feature of BlackBerry phones, you can backup your BBM contacts you. For the trick is fairly easy, first you have to do is enter in the menu "settings" and select "next", BlackBerry Protect piliha menu "back up". Follow the steps sederhanya until finished.

So how to back up contacts BBM, easy isn't it. By knowing the ways above, certainly no longer am afraid will lose contacts fuel.

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